Thursday, October 13, 2016

Knight Rider and 1879 All Saints Day Notice/ Strange Coincidence / Gagged Robbed Killed

First off, from my teen years comes this 1987 Knight Rider ad!

Then comes this packed mini article from 1879! Not only one of the earliest American references to All Saints' Day, but with two equally -interesting pieces.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Colt Revolver and 1983 Movie Newspaper Ad

 Here's a 1908 Colt Revolver ad--gun ads are always interesting to me. I'm just not sure why they bold the word USE in there...seems out of place.
From a Spokane newspaper in October of 1983...look at that. Rumblefish, The Dead Zone, The Osterman Weekend, Never Say Never Again...and more.

Once again I'm reminded how I'd kill five people for a chance to make it back to the 80's. (but I'd have to get my youth back again, or it's no deal...)

Saturday, March 12, 2016

World War II News Articles

From November 1940 comes this page proclaiming "Bomb Berlin and Save London". Yet, the other side claims that Roosevelt says his finger's not on the trigger...

Then the Palm Beach Post in October of 1942 comes this diagram of the major battle areas of the Pacific:

Crazy, different times!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Been A While, I Know...

But did you see the sister blog to this one? Crazy Blast From The Past Ads.

Check it out here!

I'll have more news articles here soon, I promise!